OK, it’s time to pull myself out of my blue funk and post something. I’ve really been missing Speedy and Sugar, and haven’t been able to write about it. I’ve missed them both, but in a weird way, I’ve missed Speedy the most. Probably either because he was my first adult dog and thus a sentimental favorite or because Sugar had so many health problems I was kind of expecting her to go. Speedy left me unexpectedly and suddenly.
Anyway, I’ve wallowed in self pity long enough. I’d like to introduce our new family member Nick. He raced (not very well I’d like to point out) as Highwind Ruckus and met all the major criteria for a hound in our house. First of all, Rosie didn’t hate him on sight. She was even nice to him while she was on lead. Rosie, as I’ve mentioned before, has issues with leash aggression. We’ve worked hard on overcoming, or at least controlling her problem, and have made lots of progress. We can now walk in the park with only an occasional outburst, unless someone else snarls and lunges at her first - then all bets are off. I’ve gotten better at reading other dogs from a distance and trying to avoid any that look like they might be lunger/snarlers. When we run into one, it tends to set us back. Anyway, she greeted Nick well on lead, then romped and played with him off lead. She liked him because she could get him to chase her. He’s not one bit shy and seems confident and sure of himself. He’s also young at three years old, and is cat friendly. The fact that I think he’s gorgeous is an added bonus!!

He’s settling in nicely and may even try his paw at lure coursing if I can find someone to show me how to wrap his legs and explain when and why you need to do so. Pharaoh’s are easy, just make sure they’re in good shape, lead to the line and release. I guess they are smaller and sturdier, so are less prone to injury. I don’t know how good he’ll be as a courser. His prey drive at least in the house is low (doesn’t try to eat cats). I took him out yesterday on a long lead, with a plastic bag attached to a lung whip and he went nuts trying to get it – so maybe he’ll chase a plastic bag across a field.

I know that I’ll eventually come to love him. At this point he makes me smile and is I know he’s what I need to heal. In a weird way, I think Speedy sent him to me. Rob and I hadn’t planned to adopt a hound yet as we felt we weren’t ready. We had thought to foster for a while and then maybe adopt later. There was something about his picture that made me want to meet him though and the hint of black on top of his head (Speedy’s mark of approval) sealed the deal.