Both Hope and Greyz and Nuttin But Hound Dogs have posted cute pictures of their pups tweaked at BeFunky.com. I, of course, couldn't resist playing around with some picutres of my own crew to see what would happen. Be warned,....it's fun and is therefore is a huge time waster.
Isn't it fun?
Great artwork! Now we are all ready for our own exhibits :-)
Looks like your brushing up to be a READing Paws therapy pup. When you retire from coursing, you ought to give it a try.
It looks like a fun time waster, so I'm off to try it out. Poodles should be a good subject.
Oops we got a 404 not found.
Too cute! =)
Great results, can see it might be addictive,anything to do with Greyhounds and photographs is!!!
Anyway nice to drop by,call in and see us at Zorro's Blog.
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Nice and Lovely Dog
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