racing name Golddust Sugar
3/21/98 - 7/30/08

Sugar was my second greyhound. She came to us as a foster – just for one night - until the family that was supposed to become her forever home could pick her up. That was in the old days when SEGA didn’t have a kennel. She was a bounce returned for some reason I can’t remember now. Well, she never left our house. Her intended family got cold feet about her and she became a member of our family. Their loss was our gain. Sugar is one of the nicest dogs I’ve ever met. She was a bit on the shy side, but loved kids. She would seek out a child in a crowd and nuzzle their hand until the petted her. She loved being petted more than food and relished snuggling up with her stuffies. I'm going to miss her more than anyone can imagine.
I love you Sugar Lump!! Run fast, free from pain.