Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sometimes Things Just Come out of Left Field.

Racing Name Santas Clipper
8/18/97 - 7/30/08

I’ve spent the last month, and in some ways the lat several years, worrying about Sugar. She’s been the one with all the health problems.

I’m sad to record the passing of my precious Speedy just 19 days short of his 11th birthday. He had a catastrophic cardiac event in the middle of the night last night. A trip to the emergency vet was to no avail, and Rob and I let him go. He was apparently ready. He was diagnosed with a heart murmur a couple of years ago, but has gotten along quite nicely with drugs to manage his condition. His heart issue never really slowed him down. He loved his walks, playing with Rosie and Sugar (especially tug of war with Rosie), being strong for Sugar, and mostly being my shadow. He was the quintessential momma’s boy, the only remaining vestige of the separation anxiety he suffered from in the first year or so he lived with us. He was my first dog as an adult and my heart.

Yesterday was a normal day for him in all respects. He felt good, ate well, and mostly just hung out with me. I guess he wasn't the sort for lingering. Maybe he wants to be there to help Sugar when it's her turn. I'll never forget you my Speedy Boo! You taught me so much and gave me much more than you got in return over the years. I still remember the first day we got you. You've been my friend and my rock and I already miss you terribly.

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