Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If You Were Elected President.....

Now that the election is over and we know the outcome, it’s time to see what the next four years bring. While I was sitting in a meeting this morning and thinking about the election - anything but pay attention to another long boring meeting - my mind started to wander and to consider what it would be like to actually be President.

Now mind you, there’s no way I’d want that job. There’s way too much 24/7 pressure and besides, you always have to worry about folks being out to get you. Also, have you noticed how much older all Presidents look after four years in office. I don’t think there’s enough beauty cream in the world to counteract that rapid aging.

There are, however, certain perks. What would it be like to never have to straighten up or clean the house again? I’d never have to plan or cook another dinner. The White House Chief would have to listen to Wheeler when he complains “Meat Loaf again!!” Air Force One would be available to whisk me off to my chosen destination. No more standing in long security lines at the airport clutching my small plastic bag of liquids in one hand and my shoes in the other.

I’m sure there are lots of other pleasant perks that go with the highest office in the land. What would you like best about the day to day life part of being President?

P.S. I'm in no way making light of the importance associated with holding the highest office in the land. Just wondering what everyday life would be like, minus the heavy duty responsibility.


Addie said...

Hey Zan, I've actually been thinking this one over since you posted it, but I think my answer would have to be the lack of cooking and laundry. I can only imagine a world where nobody expects me to concoct dinner every night, and where there are no heaps of laundry (clean & dirty, and some I can't classify, so I wash it anyway) facing me around every turn.

Like you, I understand the gravity of the office and I wouldn't want the pressure, but DANG! it would be great not to have to handle those mundane chores!


PS - I wouldn't miss cleaning toilets, either!

Zan said...

I also like the idea of being able to agree to have the whosits over for dinner on Friday night and then just show up at the appointed hour. No planning, shopping, cooking, or last minute scrubbing,.