Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Random Act of Kindness!!

I got an early Christmas present today! OK, not really, but it sort of felt like it.

As you may or may not know, Wheeler is into wrestling. It’s the perfect sport for him since he’s very agile and slightly built. Practice started a while ago, and their first meet is this Saturday. He had practice this morning and came out afterwards to tell me that his wrestling shoes are way too small and he needs some more before Saturday. Now all this is fine, except that I like to order those sorts of things since they’re generally lots cheaper online. Of course, being a 14 year old boy, he hadn’t told me that his shoes didn't fit, which I would have realized if I thought about it at all, and that he couldn’t find his knee pads. Off we go to the local big box sporting goods store to load up on expensive shoes and knee pads so we’ll have them before the meet on Saturday. Grrr!! Now I know this last minute dash is partially my fault – I didn’t ask – but you’d think that since he’s been practicing for a month he would have thought to tell me that he’s been wearing tennis shoes because he can’t shoe horn his foot into last year’s shoes.

After finding a pair of shoes that fit, some knee pads, and a mouth guard, we got in line to pay. While we were standing there, we were approached by a complete stranger who gave us a 20% off coupon!! Said he hadn’t found what he wanted and it looked like we had lots of stuff. Wow!! Now, the coupon was about to expire, so it wasn’t really any skin off his nose, but he really didn’t have to do that. Sometimes I get the most pleasure from the unexpected.


Patti said...

That was really nice. See, there are still some kind people in the world!! Zan, I hope to see you Saturday but if it's going to be a rain out - we'll probably skip it. I HATE coursing in the rain. We did that once in Chattanooga and it scared the mess out of me watching Sweeney, Remi and Sugar slide this way and that. Ever since then, I just can't do it. But if it's only going to rain a bit in the morning or whatever, we'll be there. Happy T-Day! See you!

Stowe and Maria said...

Love the blog! Fantastic photos of your hounds coursing. I haven't mastered the technical skill to take such good action photos yet.

Zan said...

Patti- I hope the weather holds and I see you Saturday. Nick won't be running either if it's really messy. I'm too chicken!!

Stowe and Maria - thanks for stopping by! I didn't take the coursing pics. I wish I had the skill and equipment to get good action shots. The most recent ones are by Lee Gearhart of Uma Rapiti Photography.

Alex said...

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Wow, your blog page looks SO festive! I guess it's time to get out the Christmas decorations both for the house and the ol' blog page. ;-)

Heather said...

that's awesome. i'd love some action shots of the man wrestling. my dad wrestled in high school - in weigh class 120!!!! That always cracks me up! wrestling is a lost art.